descriptionClassical simulation of quantum probability outcomes of single-Pauli measurements of T+Clifford gateset using minimal Gauss sum decompositions of T gate magic state expectation values.
ownerLucas Kocia
last changeMon, 5 Apr 2021 16:40:16 +0000 (09:40 -0700)
2021-04-05 Lucas Kfixed two typos master
2021-02-05 Lucas Kociacopyright notice updated
2020-12-24 Lucas Kadded paper draft URL to README.txt
2020-12-23 Lucas Kmodified test to quit when fails so doesn't output...
2020-12-22 Lucas Kadded friendly printout of number of test runs to be...
2020-12-22 Lucas Kchanged the test bash script to loop over more cases...
2020-12-22 Lucas Kadded sample test bash script
2020-12-22 Lucas Kadded code, README and Makefile
2020-12-22 Lucas Kociainitial commit; license
3 years ago master