#!/bin/bash # simple Bash diagnostic script to check if non-zero relative error stabilizer rank code works # choose the number of qubits and T gates on those qubits # NOTE: numqubits must be a multiple of your gauss sum tensor multiple! # e.g. if you test gausssums_multipleof6 then numqubits=6*n for some integer n numqubits=6 numTgates=6 # choose the number of commuting Pauli measurements you want to generate in each run # (note: can't be greater than $numqubits) numPaulis=6 # number of random stabilizer states to use for stochastic sampling numsamples=1000 # since this is a stochastic calculation, we need a threshold to determine when the calculation is withing close enough relative error threshold=0.005 # absolute value threshold difference between computed and exact value numruns=20 echo "Starting test of $numruns random $numqubits-Pauli expectation values calculated by averaging $numsamples random stabilizer states and comparing to threshold $threshold..." for i in $(seq 1 $numruns) do # sleep for 1 second for the pseudorandom number generator sleep 1; a=$(stdbuf -oL ./randominputcommutingHermitianPauli2 $numqubits $numTgates $numPaulis > inputPauli.txt && ./strongsim_relerr $numsamples < inputPauli.txt | tail -1) b=$(stdbuf -oL ./multipauli < inputPauli.txt | tail -n1) are=$(echo "$a" | cut -f 1 -d " " | cut -c 1-5); aim=$(echo "$a" | cut -f 3 -d " " | cut -c 1-5); aimsign=$(echo $a | cut -f 2 -d " "); bimsign=$(echo $b | cut -f 2 -d " "); bre=$(echo "$b" | cut -f 1 -d " " | cut -c 1-5); bim=$(echo "$b" | cut -f 3 -d " " | cut -c 1-5); echo "$i: $are $aimsign $aim and $bre $bimsign $bim" rediff=$( printf 'sqrt((%f - %f)^2)\n' "$are" "$bre" | bc -l ) imdiff=$( printf 'sqrt((%f - %f)^2)\n' "$aim" "$bim" | bc -l ) if (( $(echo "$rediff < $threshold" |bc -l) )) && (( $(echo "$imdiff < $threshold" |bc -l) )) then if (( $(echo "$bim < $threshold" |bc -l) )) || [ "$aimsign" == "$bimsign" ] then continue else echo "NOTE EQUAL!" exit fi else echo "NOT EQUAL!" exit fi done echo "Test passed!"